Meet Jackie Kershaw .

I'm the oldest of 3 daughters. I have an identical twin sister, and do landscape work because I don't want an office job. My twin and I never fight, and have always been really close! We always played sports, and we would compete together, work together, but never really against eachother. She's a catcher, I'm a pitcher, I'm a guard, and she's a forward, I'm right-handed and she's left handed. Our team numbers were even opposite, I was a number 13, and she was 31. We would trick the other team, and it always worked! We go to the same school, but she's a history major and I'm a double major, biology and Spanish. I want to become a CSI agent, and become fluent in Spanish. I love Spanish music, and I listen to it all the time. I don't drink, and I don't smoke. I've never been drunk. I'm not even interested. I've never smoked cigs or weed either. My family drinks but my parents only drink socially. I have a huge family. My mom is 1 of 10, so I have lots of uncles and aunts. It's funny, because my one Aunt Patty married a man named Jerry, and my Uncle Jerry married a woman named Patty!
My twin and I were also born 6 weeks pre-mature and the nurse told my mom that we would never be athletic, or tall. Well, I'm 5'8, my sisters 5'10 and we both play all kinds of sports. I'm passionate about sports and Spanish. I'm into Latino men, because I like Spanish so much and it would be difficult to communicate with someone who didn't speak it. My parents would eventually approve, it would take longer for my dad, but even if my parents werent 100%, I would be with whoever I want because at the end of the day, you need to be happy too. I feel that way about everything in life!"- Jackie
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