About Me

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I'm not doing this project to necessarily make new longterm friends, or go have a drink with these people. Nor is it to pass any judgements on ones life. My goal is to simply meet interesting, and maybe not so interesting strangers who I wouldve never taken the time to talk to otherwise. One that may differ, or perhaps relate to my own life. So many times, you walk past someone, and they wont even raise their head in the slightest to say hello. I'll never understand why. The challenge to myself is not only to surpass that simple hello with one person a day, but to convince them to look into my lens and tell me something about themselves. My name is Amanda Surkin, and this is my journey of meeting 100 new faces. Take the time to listen, you may learn something :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stranger #90

Meet Kara.

"I'm studying abroad in Africa for a grad program for 4 weeks. I also did a 46 hour dance marathon to benefit kids with cancer. It's called Thon (with Penn State), and you cant sit or sleep for 46 hours straight. You raise the money all year for Hershey Medical Center for a fund called Four Diamonds, and then you have the big marathon. My sorority raised over $100,000, and altogether, everyone raised over 10 million for the fund! You don't have to dance, but they have a dance every hour and you line dance. You stand in a huge room, and you cant see outside so you can't see if it's bright, or dark out, but the time goes pretty fast!"- Kara

If anyone is interested in reading more about the organization, click here- http://www.thon.org/

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