About Me

- Amanda
- I'm not doing this project to necessarily make new longterm friends, or go have a drink with these people. Nor is it to pass any judgements on ones life. My goal is to simply meet interesting, and maybe not so interesting strangers who I wouldve never taken the time to talk to otherwise. One that may differ, or perhaps relate to my own life. So many times, you walk past someone, and they wont even raise their head in the slightest to say hello. I'll never understand why. The challenge to myself is not only to surpass that simple hello with one person a day, but to convince them to look into my lens and tell me something about themselves. My name is Amanda Surkin, and this is my journey of meeting 100 new faces. Take the time to listen, you may learn something :)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Stranger #78
Meet Emily Kosmuch.
"I'm older than a lot of people think. I'm 29. I have 2 kids, one is eight and the other one is six. I am bio/Pre-PA major, with a minor in pre-law. I'm from Utah, and all my family lives there, so I'm far from home. Every time I tried to go to school, I got pregnant. I learned how that happened and stopped. I'm a bio major so you'd think that I got it sooner, but ya know. I work in the summer, and live off of loans during school. A lot of people don't know that I am into hunting. I have 2 guns, a 9mm, and a rifle. Last season I got a 6 point buck! I like the trophy aspect, but I eat the meat. I was raised doing it, because my dad was a hunter. We keep the antlers, and sometimes he used the antlers to make knife handles. I used to shoot rabbits, not cute little cottontail rabbits but giant jack rabbits! We also do the elk hunt every year for a couple of weeks!"- Emily
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Stranger #77
Meet Yael T.
"I'm from NYC. People think of me as innocent, really shy, don't do anything outside of the box, but I like to graffiti. I'm very inspired by the urban life in NYC. I used to have a spot in Queens and you can graffiti there without getting in trouble. I do caricatures and sometimes I work with letters, but mostly faces. I'm an art therapy major, and I want to work with children. I'm taking an American sign language class, and would like to work with deaf or mute children. I'm very family oriented, and have always put them before my friends, so it's hard being away from them"- Yael
"I'm from NYC. People think of me as innocent, really shy, don't do anything outside of the box, but I like to graffiti. I'm very inspired by the urban life in NYC. I used to have a spot in Queens and you can graffiti there without getting in trouble. I do caricatures and sometimes I work with letters, but mostly faces. I'm an art therapy major, and I want to work with children. I'm taking an American sign language class, and would like to work with deaf or mute children. I'm very family oriented, and have always put them before my friends, so it's hard being away from them"- Yael
Saturday, April 28, 2012
stranger #76
Meet Tom G.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Stranger #75
Meet Mindy Hair.
"I'm in the accelerated 3+2 forensic science program for chemistry. There's only four of us from what I know of. I want to do something in the lab and chemistry based, that's all I know. I play 2 sports, Field hockey and lacrosse. I've played them both all through high school and now I play them at Arcadia. J have two dogs, Dennis who is a rat terrier and Mars who is a jack russell. They're both adopted so I didn't get to choose their names. I adopted them from the Abington SPCA!" - Mindy
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Stranger #74
Meet Katie Sawyer.
"A lot of people always say that I smile a lot, and I'm always happy. I would say that it's true and for me, it's because of my faith and how that's changed my life. I can get through the struggles of every day life because I have the hope in something external. If you want me to tell you something not so deep, elephants are my favorite animal. In home videos, I got an elephant stuffed animal, and I guess that's where it all started. One of my bucket list goals is to go to every state in the United States and actually do something! So, going to the bathroom doesn't count!" - Katie

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Stranger 73
Meet Mark Namura.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Stranger #72
Monday, April 23, 2012
Stranger #71
Meet Stuart Wanser.
"I lead a group called Speak Mime. It's at New Convenant Church of Philadelphia, and we interpret gospel music through dancing. We interpret the true message of the song! I am also a track and field runner, and I want to be in the 2016 olympics. I havent ran because of an injury but I'm getting back into long distance and next Spring I'm going to join a track team. In the mean time, I will take up swimming at Arcadia"- Stuart
For those of you who are interested in seeing a little of what Speak Mime does, check out their facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/S.MIMEMINISTRY
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Stranger #70
Meet Corey.
"I can solve the rubik's cube in 2 min. I taught myself, and perfected it. I timed it, and my best time was two minutes. I've done it at least 10 times. They've always been around in my house, so it was convenient. It was a process, but I banged it out. I haven't done it in awhile so I'm not sure if I could still do it in under 2 min, but it's all about the patterns. You just have to know the right patterns!- Corey
"I can solve the rubik's cube in 2 min. I taught myself, and perfected it. I timed it, and my best time was two minutes. I've done it at least 10 times. They've always been around in my house, so it was convenient. It was a process, but I banged it out. I haven't done it in awhile so I'm not sure if I could still do it in under 2 min, but it's all about the patterns. You just have to know the right patterns!- Corey
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Stranger #69
Meet Adesanya.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Stranger 68-
Meet Christina.
"I photograph alpacas for a living. It's fun and they're fun animals to work with. The people I work for post the pictures online to show their fur and sell them. I play harmonica, and the ukulele in my spare time. I've been taking pictures since I was 10, and I've photographed everything. I've done portrait work, weddings, abstract, still life, black and white, etc. I spent a year studying in Austrailia and visited New Zealand, and Japan. I've been all over Europe, and I'm studying in Italy in the Summer!"- Christina

For those who dont know what alpacas are! (They're pretty awesome! haha)
"I photograph alpacas for a living. It's fun and they're fun animals to work with. The people I work for post the pictures online to show their fur and sell them. I play harmonica, and the ukulele in my spare time. I've been taking pictures since I was 10, and I've photographed everything. I've done portrait work, weddings, abstract, still life, black and white, etc. I spent a year studying in Austrailia and visited New Zealand, and Japan. I've been all over Europe, and I'm studying in Italy in the Summer!"- Christina

For those who dont know what alpacas are! (They're pretty awesome! haha)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Stranger #67-
Meet Maddy Seton.
"My favorite band is Mcfly. They're a British band, and I've been waiting for them to come to the US. I read an article that they're coming in September, but I don't know where yet. They've been together for 8 years, and I've listening to them since they came out. One of my best friends and I actually bonded over them. One of my old best friends introduced me to them, and it's funny because I was introduced to them by an old best friend, and my best friend now loves them! My mom is an artist. She was a graphic design major, but she does free lance work now with illustration and water color. I love art, mostly graphic design and photography. I like drawing but it's hard for me to sit down and actually do it. When I graduate I would really like to do visual merchandising. I would love to work for Anthropologie or Urban Outfitters, and design the layout of the store; I've always wanted to do that!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Stranger #66-
Meet Teresa.
"I dropped out of school (West Chester) because I was raped. This is my second semester back to school, and I'm majoring in bio/pre-PT. The therapy that I went through with helped me get into a better place. The man who raped me was random, and it was a random violent act. Today, with a lot of therapy I realize that he was mentally ill, and I'm able to still trust people. Therapy had a lot to do with that. It took two years to become much stronger and resilient. I think a lot of people kind of hide and want it to be over right away, but there's a lot of help out there. The therapy may seem hard, but it's worth it."- Teresa
"I dropped out of school (West Chester) because I was raped. This is my second semester back to school, and I'm majoring in bio/pre-PT. The therapy that I went through with helped me get into a better place. The man who raped me was random, and it was a random violent act. Today, with a lot of therapy I realize that he was mentally ill, and I'm able to still trust people. Therapy had a lot to do with that. It took two years to become much stronger and resilient. I think a lot of people kind of hide and want it to be over right away, but there's a lot of help out there. The therapy may seem hard, but it's worth it."- Teresa
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Stranger #65
Meet Hojun Yun
"I'm a grad student, and I'm in a PA program. I have one more year to go! I speak Korean, and I've spoke it all my life. I grew up in South Korea and I moved here when I was in high school. I moved here to study; I guess what I want to study is better here. It's less stressful, and there's no PA program in South Korea but they do have similar programs. I was taught reading and writing in Korea, and I feel that I've been very fortunate concerning the language barrier. I came here, made friends, and they've helped me a lot. They're not embarrassed by me, and I never felt embarrassed speaking the language so it was easier to learn it!" - Hojun

Monday, April 16, 2012
Sranger #64-
Meet Jessica Pastore
"I'm a boring person. I'm quiet and I don't really have hobbies or do anything interesting. I do love to travel. I spent a semester in London, and I'm going to Ireland for 5 months. I've been to Italy, France, Spain, Ireland, and Scotland. London was definitely my favorite place. I'm a history/secondary education major and I'm from Long Island. I'm not sure if I'm going to stay in Pennsylvania or go back home; I'll see were life takes me. Long Island has too many people, it's stuffy, and boring but I like the beach. I read a lot. I love Harry Potter, and historical fiction. You don't have to think about it, you just remember it."- Jessica
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Stranger #63
Meet Alexandria Mazzo.
"I have a twin brother, and we look nothing alike. We're really close though! He goes to Rutgers but we text or call every day! I have two much younger half sisters, one is two years and the other is two months. I really like music and drawing. I love alternative rock. I'm going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers next month at Wells Fargo!"- Alexandria
"I have a twin brother, and we look nothing alike. We're really close though! He goes to Rutgers but we text or call every day! I have two much younger half sisters, one is two years and the other is two months. I really like music and drawing. I love alternative rock. I'm going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers next month at Wells Fargo!"- Alexandria
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Stranger #62
Meet Marc.
"I was involved with the first Earth day in NYC in 1970. I did the clean air car race from MIT to Pasadena. In that race in 1970, we had hybrid cars, and it took all this time to get out to the public. It took 7 days to drive across the country. The government paid for the race, and here we are 42 years later with hybrid cars!"- Marc
If you want to read more on the clean air race- http://www.electricauto.com/hist_trip_03.html

If you want to read more on the clean air race- http://www.electricauto.com/hist_trip_03.html
Friday, April 13, 2012
Stranger #61
Meet Becca Goldbach.
"I'm a feminist but I'm not crazy! A lot of people have this idea that feminists run around with picket signs and not shave their armpits. I just want equality. I'm taking a feminist theory class, and I complain about gender equality in the world. I believe people should be respected based on their talents and accomplishments rather than their gender. I define feminism as an ideology that's based on a premise that people are inherently equal and there shouldn't be discrimination based on superficial aspects of a person"- Becca
"I'm a feminist but I'm not crazy! A lot of people have this idea that feminists run around with picket signs and not shave their armpits. I just want equality. I'm taking a feminist theory class, and I complain about gender equality in the world. I believe people should be respected based on their talents and accomplishments rather than their gender. I define feminism as an ideology that's based on a premise that people are inherently equal and there shouldn't be discrimination based on superficial aspects of a person"- Becca
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Stranger #60
Meet Emily.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Stranger #59
Meet Becky Fish.
"I'm 30, and I've been into kites since I was 12. I saw a guy in Connecticut near a light house while I was with my family and he had a dual line line. We stopped and watched, and he taught us how to fly it. When I was 16, I saw some of those same kites in a hobby shop. I had just enough money in gift certificates from my birthday to purchase one, and I still have it! I competed in tournaments in Wild Wood for three years, but I never won. Ever since, it's been fun recreation. I've also done kite aerial photography, it takes wonderful birds eye view photos!- Becky
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Stranger 58-
Meet Maggie Kennan
"I'm a sophmore, and I just turned 20. I got accepted to study abroad in Paris in September, and I just wrote my letter of introduction to my host family there. This is what I've always wanted to do since I was a little! I'm really really excited. All of my classes are in french, so I'm hoping to be fluent before I go. I went to Paris for preview, and fell in love with the city! I feel that Paris would be a great jumping off point for the rest of Europe!"- Maggie
Monday, April 9, 2012
Stranger #57
Meet Samantha Valerio.
"I'm 19, I work at Rita's, and I've been working here for 3 years. I overcame depression. I was diagnosed, and it was due to a break up. I overcame my depression when I realized it just wasn't worth it. I was with him for 2 years. When you see the first signs, don't struggle, or beat yourself up over it. Just walk away early, or it will make your break up worse. I go to Bucks County Community College and I'm a communication major. I want to go into sports broadcasting!" - Samantha
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Stranger #56
Meet Christine L. Cattani, Esquire.
"I'm a criminal defense attorney. I handle felonies, sex offenders, big 10-20 year cases, etc. Before going into law, I was a classical pianist. My true passion is horses! My old gray horse is named Slickers, and he just turned 34 on April 1st. I've had Slickers for 13 years, but I got my first pony at 6 years old"- Christine
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Stranger #55
Meet Ashley Gongalez
"I'm Spanish, my dad is from Chile, and he moved over here. He speaks fluent spanish, but I don't speak any. My mom is Irish, and she gets mad over it, because he doesn't teach me the language. I'm only 17, and I'm a senior at St. Huberts. I'm spending the summer down the shore in Wildwood, and I want to go to college for accounting!" - Ashley
Friday, April 6, 2012
Stranger #54-
Meet Amanda Hoffman.
"I have no idea what I'm going to do after I graduate. It's not that there's nothing that I want to do, I just want to do everything. I have lots of interests. I'm an English major, and history minor. I wanted to be an art major, but I don't want to live in a box in New York City. I'm still playing catch up with the whole regular life thing. In a couple of months, I plan on getting my license, and when I graduate in May, I'm going to move back home and help my mom. She lives in a 200 year old farm house in Northwest, PA; it's about a ten hour drive from Philly. The electricity is old; it's actually the same electricity when electricity first came out. You cant have two major appliances on at the same time! There is no cable, no internet, and so I'm not immersed in all of the technology. It's kind of like a break from all of that stuff. The water is actually water from a well, because we're so far away from everyone else. It's pretty clean though! We have an ATV for entertainment! The land is 254 acres, and it's been declared as a nature reserve because there's a bald eagle living there. It's kind of nice to just sit down and meditate. My mom and dad are separated, and my dad lives in the city with my sisters. My mom wont give up the farm house. She has 11 brothers and sisters so she doesn't want to give it up, because there is a lot of history there. The house was passed down to her, and the table in the living room was hand built by her brothers and sisters 60 years ago. My mom teaches all of the English, and play production classes to the seniors at Union City High. She's also a gardener. She's 58, and looks no where near it! She's very healthy and exercises a lot. My dad is 63 and asks like a child! He's a control freak, and a prankster!

Stranger #53
Meet Ray Reinnardt.
"I'm a theatre major, costume design to be exact. I eventually want to get into fashion, Avant-garde in particular! I have two dreams. One of them is to work for the house of Gaga. I love her music, her style, and what she stands for. I know this is hippyish to say, but I liked her her before anyone else did! The summer she came out with "just dance", I was on her! I have a DVD of the Monster ball tour, and I literally watch it every day! My second dream is to either be featured in Vogue magazine or have Anna Wintour come to one of my fashion shows. Vogue is my bible!"- Ray
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Stranger #52
Meet Jessica Klein.
"I'm an only child. My parents were never around. When I was 6 my mom told me to make rice, and I didn't know to put water in it so I put it in the microwave and ate it hard. When I was 14, I met a guy who was 18 and somewhat took the role of of my parents. He was sexually and physically abusive. I broke up with him, ironically on my 18th birthday. I met someone else, and I've been going from relationship to relationship ever since. This is the first time that I've been single! I have a puppy which is helpful so I lean on her a lot!" - Jessica
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
stranger #51
Meet Heather Shalita
(She wasn't crying, allergy season stinks!)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Stranger #50
Meet Jincy Varughese.
"My family is from India. I was born there and came here when I was 4. I actually went to India with my sister for the first time two years ago, and rode an elephant. My goal was to ride an elephant, and that's all I wanted to do! I went without my mom which was a very bad decision. I stayed for a month and lived with my grandmom, uncle, and aunt. They're older so they're very traditional. Culturally speaking, it's very different. It wasn't the most pleasant experience; they're just a lot more modest there. It was the middle of summer so you had to cover up or it would be considered inappropriate, and it got really hot. They really wanted us to wear traditional clothes so it brought up lots of discussions. I ended up calling my mom a lot because she has adapted to the American culture more so than my father and other relatives. Most of the time I wound up wearing what I wanted to! I was raised here, so I like it here a lot better!" - Jincy
I've officially made it half way, and I've met 50 different people! Thanks for all of the kind feedback and following my blog! 50 more people to meet!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Stranger #49

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